
Beaglebone Black Flash Recommended Debian Images(BeagleBoard.org)

Beaglebone Black Flash Recommended Debian Images(BeagleBoard.org)

1.Download image file from BeagleBoard.org

2.Unzip and using Win32 Disk Imager to write image to MicroSD

3.In /boot/uEnv.txt:

##enable BBB: eMMC Flasher:

Chang to:(remove the #)

##enable BBB: eMMC Flasher:

In linux you must has root permission

sudo gedit /(your path)/boot/uEnv.txt

4.Put the MicroSD to the Beaglebone Black, hold down the S2 button and apply power.After the LED all on , you can release S2 button, and the program start erasing the flash.

5.When flash was finished, the Beaglebone Bleack will turn off. Take your MicroSD off and apply power again.


